Documenting Odisha / Odisha / Travel

A Happy Roadblock

The air carried a faint scent of the forest, wild flowers and habitation as we drove along a familiar road, the Mahanadi River a constant glint of silver beside us.Then, a roadblock. Disappointment flickered, a detour on our way to the Dokra village. With a shrug we followed the proffered alternative.

Little did we know, this twist of the road would rewrite our journey. The new path unfolded like a secret whisper. The majestic river, now a shimmering lush green thread, snaked alongside us.Towering cliffs rose from its banks, their sheer face a gauntlet thrown to the trees to scale its defiant stance.

Excitement bubbled within us, a fizzy anticipation with every twist and turn. We found ourselves stopping at every vantage point, each one more breathtaking than the last. The 1.5-hour drive stretched into two, but time seemed to melt away. Here, amidst this unique landscape we felt like explorers.

And as we finally reached Dokra village, our hearts brimmed with a peculiar gratitude. For it was the unexpected detour, that unveiled this hidden gem. We whispered a silent thank you to the hidden powers which had orchestrated this beautiful surprise for us.

Side Note: On our curated journeys in Odisha, the roads are fabulous.

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